7 Healthy Teas for PCOS

Tea is great for your health no matter what conditions you may have, but they can be very helpful for PCOS in particular. Not only are herbal teas great for various aspects of living with PCOS, they’re great for keeping hydrated as well (which is super important with PCOS!). Even if you haven’t been a fan of tea before, my hope is that you’ll find something here that becomes your new favorite, for however you’re feeling! Let’s take a look at just a few of the great teas for PCOS.

Green Tea

There’s a reason that green tea has been consumed for thousands of years–it’s not just great for PCOS, but for your whole body! Here are some of the benefits for PCOS:

  • It’s full of antioxidants that fight cell damage, which slows the aging process and also helps lower your testosterone levels, which are typically high with PCOS.
  • It has the amino acid L-theanine, which helps calm you down.
  • It helps decrease insulin resistance, which will help balance out your hormones and could lead to weight loss
  • It’s also a great “natural detox” for your body, which helps your liver and kidneys do their jobs better.

Here are some of my favorite green teas that you can try (try to go for decaf):

I also love this Tazo Zen tea, which is a lovely blend of green tea, spearmint (more on that in a moment!), lemongrass, and lemon verbena. It has just a bit of caffeine, so it’s great as a replacement for coffee with breakfast, or just a pick-me-up during the day.

Spearmint Tea

Spearmint tea has a mild, lovely flavor that is not quite as strong as peppermint tea (more on that in a moment). The main benefit for PCOS is that it has been shown to help fight excess androgens (male hormones, mainly testosterone) which can help with hirsutism (excess body hair). It can also just be very calming!

Here are some good spearmint teas to try. The Stash one is a tasty blend of spearmint and peppermint:

Lavender Tea

Like green tea, lavender tea is good whether you have PCOS or not. It’s extremely calming and great to have at night before bed, or any time you need to relax. Lowering stress and getting adequate sleep is key to maintaining hormonal balance with PCOS, particularly the stress hormone cortisol which is produced in excess when you are stressed. It can also help with digestion and to relieve menstrual cramps.

Here is my favorite lavender-based tea–great for relaxing before bedtime!

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is especially good for digestion and bloating, especially if you’ve had a heavy meal that’s upsetting your stomach. I also find it a calming tea similar to lavender and chamomile.

Here is one of my absolute favorite teas!

Chamomile Tea

Like lavender tea, chamomile tea is very calming and relaxing, and helps you fall asleep. It can also be helpful in digestion and menstrual cramps.

Here are some of my favorite chamomile teas:

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea does a little bit of everything. Like spearmint, it can also be helpful against androgens; like ginger, it can be good for digestion, bloating and cramps; and like lavender and chamomile, it can be very calming. It’s also just very refreshing–try it after a meal or on a quiet night!

Here are some of my favorite peppermint teas, in addition to the Stash Cascade Mint tea above!

Black Tea

Black teas are some of the most commonly consumed and liked, and they can be good for you too! Black tea is a good alternative to coffee when you’re trying to limit your caffeine. Other benefits include helping limit insulin resistance and weight gain, similar to green tea.

Here are some of my (many) favorite black teas. The Stash Breakfast in Paris is a lovely blend of black and lavender, and the Bigelow Lemon Lift is great if you love a hint of lemon.

Many of these teas are great to enjoy with no additions, but depending on your particular tastes you may want to add some honey or a healthy sweetener like one of these:

Teas for PCOS: Try Them For Yourself!

These teas for PCOS are all great for different times of day and needs for anyone with PCOS. I’m going to go make myself a cup right now!

Note: I am an Amazon Affiliate member, so I receive a small commission from any products purchased from my links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and do not claim to offer medical advice in these posts. These are meant to be informational only. Please consult further with your doctor for specific advice and treatment plans.

Photo courtesy of Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

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